Lincoln Avenue, which was considered part of Chestnut Street until about 1903, starts at Park Avenue and runs south to Woodland Avenue, where it takes a jog to the right and continues through to Marginal Road. Prior to the construction of State Highway 3, Lincoln Avenue continued to Rutherford Avenue.

This pictorial runs from north to south.

Park Ave

Lincoln Park. Lincoln Avenue forms the park's east edge.

Collins-Calhoun Funeral Home, 19 Lincoln Avenue.

Office building, 33 Lincoln Avenue.

Highland Cross

65 Lincoln Avenue.

Park Pl

Summit Cross

82 Lincoln Avenue.

Newell Ave

Addison Ave

111 Lincoln Avenue.

Pierrepont Ave

Pierrepont School, as seen from Lincoln Avenue.

330 Lincoln Avenue.

Van Ness Ave

354 Lincoln Avenue.

105 Woodland Avenue, on the corner of Lincoln.

Woodland Ave

409 Lincoln Avenue.

440 Lincoln Avenue.

Marginal Rd

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