AMERICAN 12s (0-2)
Jason Ahmed, Elks
David Baluk, Elks
Ken Bewighouse, Keller
Jason Billé, Tommys
Frank Campbell, Keller
Craig Capoano, Keller *
Jordan Clark, Flash
Mike Ervelli, Flash
David Manser, Naborhood
Chris Mathieu, Lions
Danny Moran, Lions
Ken OConnor, Keller
Joe Pecora, Lions *
Aedan Stabile, Lions *
T.J. Tarantino, Lions
Shawn Taylor, Keller
Jimmy Ungaro, Flash *
Chris Wady, Flash
Mon 5-Jul: lost to Hasbrouck Heights, 6-0
Fri 9-Jul: lost to Wallington, 6-4
AMERICAN 10s (4-2)
John Ahearn, Lions *
John Buccinio, Keller *
Frank Capoano, Elks
Tommy Cassella, Keller
Chris Della Fave, Tommys *
Tommy Ervelli, Flash
Chris Falcicchio, Tommys
B.J. Irving, Naborhood
Justin LaForgia, Flash
Greg Lowther, Keller
Mike Lopez, Flash
Jason Michaels, Keller *
Joe Reid, Lions
Chris Sedlak, Naborhood
Chris Smith, Elks
Brian Specia, Lions
Joey Tyburczy, Tommys
Mike Villano, Lions
Thurs 8-Jul: def. North Arlington, 12-4, 4 inn.
Thurs 15-Jul: def. Lyndhurst NL, 4-0
Wed 21-Jul: lost to Rutherford NL, 18-13
Sat 24-Jul: def. Lyndhurst NL
Tues 27-Jul: def. Rutherford NL, 14-5
Thurs 29-Jul: lost to Rutherford NL, 4-3
* Alternate
NATIONAL 12s (4-2)
Mike Anderson, Sports
Leon Bell, Sports
Mark Berry, Kiwanis
John Brundage, Kurgan
Mike Daly, Rotary
Matt Durkan, Kiwanis
Sean Farrell, Kurgan
Kyle Hatler, Sports *
Mark Illuzzi, Park
Eric Kiefer, Springs
Steve Mazzaro, Park
Billy Mink, Kurgan
Ricky Pacheco, Springs
Jake Park, Kiwanis
Dennis Paterno, Park *
Dave Viola, Kiwanis *
Joe Wladyka, Sports *
Ajay Yeldandi, Springs
Mon 5-Jul: lost to Lyndhurst AL, 2-1, 8 inn.
Wed 7-Jul: def. Garfield AL, 3-1
Fri 9-Jul: def. Lodi NL, 3-1
Mon 12-Jul: def. Hasbrouck Heights, 4-3, 7 inn.
Wed 14-Jul: def. North Arlington, 3-2
Fri 16-Jul: lost to Lyndhurst NL, 3-2
NATIONAL 10s (5-1) (photo)
Chris Beatini, Springs *
LaRon Bell, Sports
Patrick Bott, Kiwanis *
Steve Caufield, Park
Dave Dombrowski, Kiwanis
Jack Egbert, Kurgan
Dana Gorman, Park
Pete Heller, Sports
Frank Herrmann, Rotary
Phil Marsico, Park
Sean McManus, Kurgan
Fred Segro, Rotary *
Richie Senatore, Kiwanis
Neil Tanzosh, Park *
Mike Urbanovich, Springs
Nick Urbanovich, Springs
Matt Vescuso, Kurgan
Jimmy Wladyka, Sports
Tues 6-Jul: def. Wallington, 26-4
Thurs 8-Jul: def. Saddle Brook, 11-3
Thurs 15-Jul: def. Lyndhurst AL, 19-4
Wed 21-Jul: def. Rutherford AL, 18-13
Tues 27-Jul: lost to Rutherford AL, 14-5
Thurs 29-Jul: def. Rutherford AL, 4-3