AMERICAN 12s (0-2)
Jimmy Brinksma, Lions
Mike Callahan, Elks
Eddie Chorbajian, Flash
Chris Competello, Tommys
Kyle Dray, Elks
Danny Egbert, Tommys *
Richie Egbert, Elks
Craig Erickson, Naborhood
Mike Foley, Flash *
Chuck Gunn, Naborhood
Shane Jackson, Lions
Tom Lancaster, Flash *
Kevin McAuliffe, Naborhood
Bart Plank, Keller
Bobby Prince, Tommys
Charles Rivera, Elks *
Billy Sommers, Naborhood
Ian Stopherd, Keller
Wed 9-Jul: lost to Wallington, 9-8
Fri 11-Jul: lost to Hasbrouck Heights, 1-0
AMERICAN 10s (0-2)
Kurt Balchan, Flash
Kevin Calabrese, Lions
John Fannan, Keller
Joe Gastelu, Keller
Sean Irving, Naborhood
Tom Kinlin, Flash
Kenny Kriete, Lions
Bobby Kwak, Flash
Kevin Loughlin, Naborhood
Dave Mazure, Keller
Jeff Primiano, Keller
Tyler Vaykovich, Elks
Glenn Waldron, Tommys
Tues 1-Jul: lost to Lodi NL, 8-5
Wed 2-Jul: lost to Unknown, 12-8
* Alternate
NATIONAL 12s (3-2)
Chris Bialek, Rotary
Ryan Damiani, Springs
Chris Ford, Rotary
Cameron Gardner, R.S.G.
Steve Hannett, Kiwanis
George Kiersted, Kurgan
Jon Krawiec, Springs *
Dirk Manskopf, Park
Ernie Mazzaro, Rotary
George McGehrin, Kiwanis
Jason Murray, Kiwanis *
Stefano Nese, Kiwanis
Danny ONeill, Rotary
John Russo, Kiwanis
Bobby Slomkowski, Kurgan
Tom Twist, R.S.G. *
Pete Wilson, Kurgan *
Paul Ziek, Springs
Thurs 10-Jul: def. East Rutherford, 8-7
Sun 13-Jul: lost to Lyndhurst AL, 10-5, 7 inn.
Mon 14-Jul: def. Lodi AL, 13-7
Wed 16-Jul: def. Carlstadt, 7-3, 7 inn.
Sat 19-Jul: lost to Wallington, 4-0
NATIONAL 10s (1-2)
Eddie Arevalo, R.S.G.
Lennie Ciliento, R.S.G.
Tommy Clare, Kiwanis
Brian Crowe, Park
Blaise Grippa, Park
Rob Holman, Kiwanis
Tom Jennerich, Kurgan
Vinny Keeler, Rotary
Adam Kloza, R.S.G.
Shane McCloskey, Kurgan
Marty Mearizo, Springs
Jason Minoia, Springs
James Russo, Kiwanis
Mon 30-Jun: def. Garfield NL, 12-8
Wed 2-Jul: lost to Lyndhurst AL, 15-11
Thurs 3-Jul: lost to Garfield AL, 19-16