Fairview Avenue begins at Home Avenue, as an extension of Franklin Place, and continues to Carmita Avenue. The road makes a slight jog to the right at Wood Street.

This pictorial runs from east to west.

Home Ave

Rear of Rutherford High School.

Maple Ave

St. John's Lutheran Church, on the corner of Mortimer and Fairview.

Mortimer Ave

123 Fairview Avenue, on the corner of Irving Place.

Irving Pl

158 Irving Place, on the corner of Fairview Avenue.

Wood St

Milton Ct | Hackett Place

190 Fairview Avenue.

Woman's Club, on the corner of Fairview and Montross avenues.

Temple Beth-El, 185 Montross Avenue, corner of Fairview Avenue.

Montross Ave

221 Fairview Avenue.

Prospect Pl

255 Fairview Avenue.

Carmita Ave

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