Charlie’s Games at Tom Mellody Field, Rutherford, N.J., 1988-90

1979-81 ... 1982-84 ... 1985-87 ... 1988-90 ... 1991-93 ... 1994-96 ... 1997-99 ... 2000-02 ... 2003-05 ... 2006-08 ... 2009-11 ... 2012-14 ... 2015-17 ... 2018

Date League Level Result
Sat 9-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 16, Tommy's 14
Sat 9-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 14, Flash 8
Sun 10-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 8, Rotary 4
Sun 10-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 7, Kiwanis 4
Mon 11-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 9, Elks 5, 4 inn
Tue 12-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 15, Park 5
Sat 16-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 16, Naborhood 4
Sat 16-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 9, Kiwanis 8
Sat 16-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 16, Springs 7
Sun 17-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 22, Tommy's 13
Sun 17-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 11, Flash 8
Sun 17-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 7, Kurgan 2, 5 inn
Tue 19-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 17, Kiwanis 0
Wed 20-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 10, Elks 3
Thu 21-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 13, Springs 7, 5 inn
Fri 22-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 17, Tommy's 3
Sat 23-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Minor K-Star 4, Florist 4, 6 inn, tie
Sat 23-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 12, Park 8
Sat 23-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 21, Kiwanis 4
Sun 24-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 18, Elks 8
Sun 24-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 13, Tommy's 3
Sun 24-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 9, Springs 7, 5 inn
Mon 25-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 18, Lions 5, 5 inn
Tue 26-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 6, Rotary 3
Wed 27-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 9, Kurgan 8
Thu 28-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 18, Tommy's 17
Fri 29-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 17, Lions 0, 4 inn
Sat 30-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 6, Rotary 5
Sat 30-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 22, Flash 5
Sat 30-Apr-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 16, Kiwanis 14
Sun 1-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 21, R.S.G. 6
Sun 1-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 15, Lions 7
Sun 1-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 14, Rotary 4
Mon 2-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 7, Tommy's 5, 5 inn
Tue 3-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 5, Elks 3
Wed 4-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 14, Naborhood 6
Sat 7-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 14, Kurgan 2
Sat 7-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 25, Lions 10
Sat 7-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 21, Tommy's 4
Mon 9-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 14, R.S.G. 9
Tue 10-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 17, Springs 9
Wed 11-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 11, Lions 6
Thu 12-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 10, Kurgan 4
Fri 13-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 9, Tommy's 3
Sat 14-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Minor New 10, Placido 4, 4 inn
Sat 14-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 19, Rotary 2
Sat 14-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 11, Springs 2
Sat 14-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 9, Park 6
Sun 15-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 8, Kiwanis 6
Sun 15-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 21, Lions 8
Sun 15-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 9, Naborhood 8
Mon 16-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 8, Tommy's 5
Tue 17-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 14, Springs 10, 5 inn
Fri 20-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 13, Kiwanis 12, 7 inn
Sat 21-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Minor Nisi 10, Blimpie 9, 4 inn
Sat 21-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 8, Flash 0
Sat 21-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 7, R.S.G. 5
Sat 21-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 12, Elks 2
Sun 22-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 8, Tommy's 2
Sun 22-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 10, Kurgan 8
Sun 22-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 22, Flash 21, 5 inn
Mon 23-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 8, Flash 3
Tue 24-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 12, R.S.G. 3
Thu 26-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 3, Naborhood 2
Fri 27-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 12, Tommy's 8
Sat 28-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 12, Kurgan 5
Sat 28-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 13, Kiwanis 0
Sat 28-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 15, Park 8
Sat 28-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 6, Flash 4
Mon 30-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 14, Springs 13
Mon 30-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 11, Kurgan 3
Mon 30-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 9, Naborhood 4
Tue 31-May-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 16, Lions 7
Thu 2-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 10, Flash 8
Sat 4-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 7, Park 6
Sat 4-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 11, Kiwanis 10, 7 inn
Sat 4-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 6, Kurgan 3
Sun 5-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 29, Tommy's 3
Sun 5-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 16, Kurgan 1
Mon 6-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 22, Lions 10, 5 inn
Tue 7-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 8, Flash 4
Wed 8-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 9, R.S.G. 7
Thu 9-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 23, Kiwanis 8
Fri 10-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 9, Rotary 4
Sat 11-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 14, Rotary 12
Sat 11-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 24, Elks 2
Sat 11-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 18, Kurgan 3
Sat 11-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 25, R.S.G. 9
Sun 12-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 18, Lions 16
Sun 12-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 13, Flash 12
Sun 12-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 15, Tommy's 8
Mon 13-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 11, Elks 5, 5 inn
Tue 14-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 11, Tommy's 2
Wed 15-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 20, Flash 19
Thu 16-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 6, Kurgan 2
Fri 17-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 8, R.S.G. 5
Sat 18-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 18, Lions 6
Sat 18-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 13, Springs 9
Sat 18-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 6, Elks 3
Sun 19-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Minor Baron 19, Nisi 6
Sun 19-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major American 10s 11, National 10s 10
Mon 20-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 11, Naborhood 9
Tue 21-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 16, R.S.G. 5
Wed 22-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 13, Naborhood 5
Thu 23-Jun-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 9, R.S.G. 8
Sun 3-Jul-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 15, Park 6
Mon 4-Jul-1988 Rutherford LL LL Major American 12s 11, National 12s 10
Sat 22-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 9, Keller 8
Sat 22-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 16, Elks 5
Sat 22-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 9, Tommy's 7
Sun 23-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 7, R.S.G. 1
Sun 23-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 12, Springs 5
Sun 23-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 8, Kiwanis 3
Mon 24-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 11, Elks 5
Tue 25-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 10, Naborhood 6, 10 inn
Wed 26-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 9, Kurgan 8, 7 inn
Thu 27-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 7, Lions 1
Fri 28-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 8, Rotary 6
Sat 29-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 12, Springs 6
Sat 29-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 9, Tommy's 5
Sat 29-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 3, Keller 0
Sun 30-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 2, Flash 1
Sun 30-Apr-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 5, Kurgan 3
Mon 1-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 6, Rotary 5
Tue 2-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 9, Springs 6, 4 inn
Wed 3-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 7, Tommy's 5
Thu 4-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 4, Elks 3
Sun 7-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 6, Elks 5
Sun 7-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 2, Naborhood 1
Sun 7-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 4, Tommy's 3
Mon 8-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 7, Springs 1
Tue 9-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 2, Rotary 1, 8 inn
Fri 12-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 9, Flash 6, 5 inn
Sat 13-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 13, Rotary 0
Sat 13-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 4, R.S.G. 1
Sat 13-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 13, Springs 8
Sat 13-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 16, Kurgan 9
Sun 14-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 13, Elks 1
Sun 14-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 4, Rotary 3
Sun 14-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 12, Park 6
Mon 15-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 20, Springs 9
Wed 17-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 6, R.S.G. 4
Thu 18-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 6, Naborhood 5
Fri 19-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 14, Keller 11, 8 inn
Sat 20-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 5, Kiwanis 4
Sat 20-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 8, Tommy's 6
Sat 20-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 13, Rotary 7
Sat 20-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 4, R.S.G. 2
Sun 21-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 8, Kurgan 3
Sun 21-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 5, Naborhood 4
Sun 21-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 9, Springs 4
Mon 22-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 9, Lions 7, 7 inn
Thu 25-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 8, Flash 6
Fri 26-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 4, Elks 2
Sat 27-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 7, R.S.G. 6
Sat 27-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 5, Tommy's 2
Sun 28-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 6, Kurgan 5
Sun 28-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 9, R.S.G. 6
Sun 28-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 7, Flash 2
Mon 29-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 15, Rotary 0
Mon 29-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 19, Lions 1
Mon 29-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 12, Springs 1
Tue 30-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 11, Springs 3
Wed 31-May-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 15, Kurgan 13
Thu 1-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 7, Kiwanis 3
Fri 2-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 11, Elks 0
Sat 3-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 7, Park 6
Sat 3-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 9, R.S.G. 0
Sat 3-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 5, Flash 1
Sat 3-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 8, Springs 3
Sun 4-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 8, Kurgan 2
Sun 4-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 6, Naborhood 3
Sun 4-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 11, Rotary 10
Sun 4-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 15, Springs 4
Mon 5-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 9, R.S.G. 8
Tue 6-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 11, Lions 3
Thu 8-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 9, Tommy's 5
Sat 10-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 6, Kurgan 4
Sat 10-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 2, Rotary 0
Sat 10-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 14, Springs 7
Sat 10-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 8, Naborhood 3
Sun 11-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 11, Tommy's 4
Sun 11-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 5, Elks 1
Sun 11-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 11, Flash 7
Mon 12-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 6, R.S.G. 2
Tue 13-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 10, Springs 5, 4 inn
Wed 14-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 6, Rotary 4
Thu 15-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 15, Flash 3
Fri 16-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 3, Naborhood 2
Sat 17-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 8, Keller 7
Sat 17-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 16, Rotary 7
Sat 17-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 6, R.S.G. 4
Sat 17-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 3, Springs 0
Sun 18-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 12, Lions 9
Sun 18-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 9, Keller 7
Sun 18-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 13, Flash 3
Mon 19-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 3, Kiwanis 2
Tue 20-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 7, Kurgan 4
Wed 21-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 10, Springs 1
Thu 22-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 5, Tommy's 4
Sat 24-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Minor Pk Clean 17, K-Star 3
Sat 24-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 17, Rotary 8
Sat 24-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 12, Keller 11
Sat 24-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 15, Tommy's 9
Sun 25-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 5, Lions 4
Sun 25-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 8, Kurgan 4, 8 inn
Tue 27-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 21, Lions 7
Wed 28-Jun-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 8, Kurgan 1
Sat 1-Jul-1989 Rutherford LL LL Minor National Stars 4, American Stars 2
Mon 3-Jul-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 5, Keller 4
Tue 4-Jul-1989 Rutherford LL LL Major National 12s 12, American 12s 11
Wed 19-Jul-1989 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 12U Lyndhurst NL 3, Lyndhurst AL 2
Mon 24-Jul-1989 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 12U Lyndhurst AL 5, Lodi NL 2
Wed 26-Jul-1989 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 12U Lyndhurst AL 9, Lyndhurst NL 2
Thu 27-Jul-1989 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 12U Lyndhurst AL 2, Lyndhurst NL 1
Sun 22-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 6, Lions 1
Sun 22-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 18, Naborhood 1
Sun 22-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 10, Tommy's 3
Mon 23-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 24, Springs 6
Tue 24-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 12, Kurgan 0
Wed 25-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 7, Park 6
Thu 26-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 19, Tommy's 3
Fri 27-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 6, Naborhood 5
Fri 27-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 7, Park 4
Sat 28-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Minor Goffin 6, Baron 5
Sat 28-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 5, Kiwanis 4
Sat 28-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 6, Elks 4, 9 inn
Sat 28-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 7, Kurgan 6
Sun 29-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 2, R.S.G. 0
Sun 29-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 16, Tommy's 1
Sun 29-Apr-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 15, Park 9
Tue 1-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 9, Elks 2
Wed 2-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 12, Springs 1
Thu 3-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 13, Kurgan 1
Sat 5-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 10, Naborhood 8
Sat 5-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 6, Flash 1
Sun 6-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 5, Kiwanis 1
Sun 6-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 4, Kurgan 3
Sun 6-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 7, Park 4
Mon 7-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 16, Elks 2
Tue 8-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 6, Naborhood 5
Wed 9-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 4, Keller 3
Fri 11-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 22, Tommy's 7, 5 inn
Fri 11-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 14, Rotary 1
Sat 12-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Minor New 8, Pk Clean 5, 5 inn
Sat 12-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 9, Naborhood 0
Sat 12-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 13, Park 1
Sat 12-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 5, Springs 3
Sat 12-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 27, Tommy's 6
Mon 14-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 3, R.S.G. 0
Tue 15-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 14, Park 7
Fri 18-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 6, Springs 0
Fri 18-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 3, Tommy's 2
Sat 19-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Minor K-Star 11, VFW 10, 5 inn
Sat 19-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 5, Kiwanis 1
Sat 19-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 1, Keller 0
Sat 19-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 15, Naborhood 3
Sat 19-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 3, Rotary 1
Sun 20-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 34, Tommy's 7, 5 inn
Sun 20-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 10, Kurgan 0
Sun 20-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 11, Elks 2
Mon 21-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 5, R.S.G. 4
Tue 22-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 4, Springs 3
Wed 23-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 9, Naborhood 4
Thu 24-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 3, Rotary 1
Fri 25-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 6, Kurgan 2
Fri 25-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 6, Lions 5, 8 inn
Sat 26-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 12, Elks 5
Sat 26-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 13, Park 5
Sat 26-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 9, Springs 7
Sun 27-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 10, Tommy's 3
Sun 27-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 9, Kurgan 8
Sun 27-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 11, Park 1
Mon 28-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 12, Springs 10
Mon 28-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Naborhood 6, Park 5
Wed 30-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 15, Tommy's 0
Thu 31-May-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 10, Springs 3
Fri 1-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 14, Naborhood 4
Fri 1-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 5, Kiwanis 3
Sat 2-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Minor Blimpie 18, Masons 9
Sat 2-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 5, Lions 0
Sat 2-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 11, Springs 3
Sat 2-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 10, Naborhood 8, 7 inn
Sun 3-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 7, Tommy's 5
Sun 3-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 3, Park 2
Sun 3-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 7, Naborhood 3
Mon 4-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 4, Keller 3
Tue 5-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 5, Kiwanis 4
Wed 6-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 14, Kurgan 1
Thu 7-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 16, Kiwanis 8
Fri 8-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 2, Kurgan 1
Fri 8-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 5, R.S.G. 4
Sat 9-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 10, Park 4
Sat 9-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 18, Tommy's 0
Sat 9-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 10, Naborhood 7
Sat 9-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 5, Elks 3
Sun 10-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 5, Springs 3
Sun 10-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Park 9, Kiwanis 5
Sun 10-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 6, Rotary 5, 7 inn
Mon 11-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 8, Tommy's 2
Tue 12-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 8, Elks 4
Wed 13-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 8, Naborhood 3
Thu 14-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Rotary 5, Park 1, 5 inn
Fri 15-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 5, Kurgan 2
Fri 15-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 6, Springs 3
Sat 16-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 14, Park 4
Sat 16-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Keller 11, Naborhood 5
Sat 16-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 3, Lions 0
Sat 16-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 13, Tommy's 2
Sun 17-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kurgan 4, R.S.G. 3
Sun 17-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Springs 8, Park 5
Sun 17-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Kiwanis 13, Rotary 4
Wed 20-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Elks 4, Lions 1
Thu 21-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Flash 4, Keller 2
Fri 22-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Tommy's 9, Naborhood 7
Sat 23-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 6, Flash 1
Sat 23-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 8, Rotary 3, 8 inn
Sun 24-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major National 10s 10, American 10s 9
Mon 25-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major Lions 7, Flash 4
Tue 26-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 9, Rotary 1
Fri 29-Jun-1990 Rutherford LL LL Minor Pk Clean 4, Goffin 3
Sun 1-Jul-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major R.S.G. 11, Lions 7
Mon 2-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Saddle Brook 10, Wallington 0
Mon 2-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Rutherford NL 6, North Arlington 0
Tue 3-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Lodi NL 20, Lyndhurst NL 19
Tue 3-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Wood-Ridge 6, Garfield NL 4, 4 inn.
Wed 4-Jul-1990 Rutherford LL LL Major National 12s 9, American 12s 7
Thu 5-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Wood-Ridge 10, Lodi NL 5
Thu 5-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Rutherford AL 4, Saddle Brook 3
Fri 6-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Lodi AL 8, North Arlington 7
Tue 10-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Wallington 9, Carlstadt 1
Tue 10-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Lodi NL 25, Lodi AL 7, 5 inn
Wed 11-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Lodi NL 1, Wallington 0
Wed 11-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Rutherford AL 11, Rutherford NL 10, 7 inn
Fri 13-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Rutherford NL 9, Lodi NL 8
Mon 16-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Saddle Brook 4, Wood-Ridge 3
Wed 18-Jul-1990 NJ Sect 2 LL SB – 12U Guttenberg 10, Newark Ironbound NL 5
Wed 18-Jul-1990 NJ Dist 5 LL LL 10U Saddle Brook 6, Rutherford NL 5
Thu 19-Jul-1990 NJ Sect 2 LL SB – 12U Lodi AL 15, Guttenberg 6
Sat 21-Jul-1990 NJ Sect 2 LL SB – 12U Lodi AL 10, Newark Ironbound NL 2
Tue 24-Jul-1990 NJ State LL SB – 12U Lodi AL 15, Guttenberg 6
Thu 26-Jul-1990 NJ State LL SB – 15U Little Ferry 16, Guttenberg 12
Sat 28-Jul-1990 NJ State LL SB – 15U Pennsville 2, Little Ferry 0

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This page updated 16-Dec-2021