Fri 29-Apr-1977: Roadrunner 5, Flash 4, 9 inn.

Game suspended after 8 innings, darkness, completed Mon 6-Jun
Accounts submitted to media by league secretary Marty Sutphin

This gem of a game, opening the American League season, was tied at the end of 8 innings and will be continued at a later date. Billy Manning pitched 6 innings and had two homers for Flash, while Sean Cannan finished on the mound. For Roadrunner, starter Dennis Rogers also went the 6-inning limit and Mike Andler completed the game. Mike Sgaramella of Runner and Pat Blanchfield of Flash had two hits each.

In a continuation of a game which had ended 4-4 after eight innings, Roadrunner got its winning run in the ninth on hits by Tom Brancato, Keith Klein and Dave Bailey. Mike Andler retired the Flash batters in order.

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