I appreciate hearing from fans of charliesballparks.com. However, I have nothing to do with any club or team whose ballpark I feature on this site. I cannot help you with ticketing, special events, lost-and-found, employment opportunities, etc. Please contact the club directly, using the Web link on my Index of All Pro Parks, by League.
If the link goes to the club’s home page, but you have a problem such as outdated information, etc., please write to the club itself. Most clubs place a contact link somewhere on their page, or you can try an address like info@ or webmaster@, followed by the domain name of the club (without the www – www.ballclub.com becomes just ballclub.com).
Please feel free to tell me about broken links from this site, missing photos, etc. Please also feel free to let me know about things you may have found out about ballparks on the site that I don’t mention. I also accept constructive criticism, especially if it can make the site better. This is also where one would go to send me a photo licensing request.
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